Strategic Plan Consultant

About the Role:

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Justice Department invites proposals from qualified and experienced consultants to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the Akwesasne Justice Department (AJD). The purpose of this strategic plan is to outline the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of AJD, and provide a roadmap for its operations and initiatives over the next five years to result in substantial impact and growth of the department.

The Akwesasne Justice Department seeks a consultant to guide and facilitate the development of a plan that aligns with the community’s diverse needs and aspirations. The Consultant would work with AJD and the community to build a visionary, impactful strategic plan that improves and refines the AJD’s community services priorities, and effective practices. Through successful implementation of the plan, we also hope to improve transparency of the AJD by identifying which policies and procedures are still valid or need revision.


The selected consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Conduct preliminary background research before the initial meeting with the Strategic Planning Committee and provide a short draft outline for attendees.
  • Engage with key stakeholders, including community members, other MCA departments, Council portfolio holders, and any other relevant parties, to understand their perspectives, concerns, and
  • Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the critical issues and challenges facing AJD and the community it serves.
  • Facilitate strategic planning workshops and meetings to gather input, build consensus, and develop a shared vision for AJD's future.
  • Develop a comprehensive strategic plan that includes clear goals, objectives, strategies, and performance indicators.
  • Provide recommendations for resource allocation, including personnel and training, to support the implementation of the strategic plan.
  • Provide a suitable evaluation process that continuously measures the progress of the plan to adequately report results to members of Tribal Council and the Executive Directors Office.
  • Solicit community input in a series of public meetings, presentations, ads, survey, etc.

Prepare a final report that presents the strategic plan in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner that may also be presented to the community if required.

Interested consultants are requested to submit the following information as part of their proposal:

  • Brief cover letter.
  • Overview of the Consultant including full legal name, address, telephone and email contact information, company profile (if applicable) and relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Details with evidence of previous work related to strategic planning, preferably in area of self-governance and justice administration.
  • The methodology and approach for developing the strategic plan.
  • A proposed work plan, timeline and flowchart visual for the project.
  • A budget estimate including a breakdown of costs for each phase of the project, any travel costs/per diem, and any outside consultation fees that may be required to successfully complete the final plan.

Proposals must be received in person at the Akwesasne Justice Department OR by email as follows:
Hand-deliver proposals to:
Akwesasne Justice Department
45 Johnson Road
Akwesasne, QC
H0M 1A0
Email proposals to:
All proposals (hand-delivered or by email) MUST be received PRIOR to:
July 1, 2024, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST

Inquiries should be directed to Cactus Cook Sunday:
Phone: 613-575-5000 ext. 240

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Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe