ELC Mission Statement
The Early Learning Center aspires to enrich the growth and development of children, through supportive quality services that address individual and family needs.
Children are provided trained, qualified staff who offer children ample opportunities to explore and experience the world first hand, through activities intended to develop, strengthen and support all developmental areas, in a safe, nurturing environment, while incorporating traditional language and culture to ensure a strong sense of self. ELC staff respectfully encourage and support healthy families through education and awareness of community resources
Who We Are
The SRMT Early Learning Center (ELC) is a sub-division of the Education Department and is located at 25 Library Road Akwesasne, NY 13655. Staff can be reached at 518-358-2988 or via fax at 518-358-3585.
ELC is comprised of Child Care which serves children ages 6 weeks up to 5 years and
A Head Start Program, which serves children ages 3 years to 5 years. The SRMT ELC provides a complete child and family development program for children and their families. We believe that parents/guardians are the child's first and most important teacher. The Early Learning Center encourages families to participate in all aspects of the program. We are committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity, security, and supportive and nurturing relationships. Our teachers provide intentional, individual, play-based and meaningful experiences that are grounded in developmentally appropriate practice. The Early Learning Center believes that providing a responsive and stimulating early childhood experience positively impacts children, families, and the community now and for the next seven generations.
Child Care Enrollment
To enroll your child with any of the SRMT Tribal Learning Assistance Program Child Care Service options please contact the Education Division office at 518-358-9721 or by filling out the application online. The TLAP Intake Coordinator will ensure you meet the 477 eligibility requirements and once accepted, refer the application to a case manager of Child Care services to determine service eligibility.
Child Care Subsidy Services
Child Care Subsidy Service is a supportive service for families to help with child care costs. Through the subsidy service, income-eligible families can receive assistance with child care costs. Through the intake process, clients will work with our Child Care Coordinator on determining eligibility for services.
Home Based Child Care
In addition to the ELC, TLAP offers several options for Home-Based Child Care services. Within the Home-Based Child Care program, parents are able to choose between group, family, in-home providers or relative care, who are registered with Child Care Services. All providers registered with the Tribal Learning Assistance Program are provided training opportunities, support and monitoring to provide age-appropriate, quality child care options within SRMT’s service area.
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