Akwesasne Career & Employment Support Services (ACESS)

About this Scholarship:

The Akwesasne Career & Employment Support Services (ACESS) assists Akwesasne community members with achieving their educational and career goals.

Students are required to pursue all other funding sources, such as AMBE and SRMT-Education, prior to approaching ACESS.

  • Funding will only be considered for courses that are offered by an accredited college or university.
  • Students enrolled in correspondence or independent study may be eligible for living allowances. ACESS may fund tuition and allowance for an online course (at an accredited institution) if applicable.


  • Must be a member or probationary member of the Mohawks of Akwesasne or Akwesasne Mohawk Nation Office as defines by their Membership Cdes, regardless of residency.
  • Must have a valid Canadian Social Insurance Number
  • Are deemed to be Unemployed/Employed Disadvantaged/Underemployed
  • Have not participated in ACESS programs beyond 208-week maximum time frame (excluding SEED, START, Best Matches, and Apprentices)

For more information, please contact ACESS by calling (613)-575-2626, emailing info@acessjobs.ca, or visiting their website at https://www.acessjobs.ca/

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Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe